It is not about the Glass

It is about what is in the glass, hand crafted farmers market cocktails with house made ingredients.

The Rebel

I love the name “Rebel”, let a lone ” THE Rebel”, I had a similar version with Rittenhouse Rye for a while called “The Rittenhouse Rebel”. One of the key ingredients is Citrus and citrus season is upon us. I have seen the first kumquats at Garcia farms and they taste amazing. I have another cool drink but I will save that for next week.
This drink has infusions brought from the mother land, licorice wood infusion. Normally I call it sweet wood which would a straight translation out of Dutch, but I don’t want to turn off people with the ingredients. Yes the picture is what it looks like, you just break them a little and put them in a bottle with some Vodka. Let it stand for a day or so and voila. It is not something you would drink by itself because it has some potent flavoring but as an extra layer in a drink, shabeng.
Okay so this drink has all the elements I like to use. Something original (infusion) something seasonal (orange juice) and something classic (eggwhites).
There is nothing weird about it or complicated, Bourbon, Lemon, Orange (Blood Orange in another week or so because, because man I love those oranges), a drop of simple, the Sweet Wood infusion and some eggwhites. When you shake this drink, and you have to shake it hard add the spring of your strainer to the mix. It will be used as an egg beater and it will add to the frothiness of your cocktail. Strain it into a martini glass. And you have yourself a cocktail.
The Rebel

2 oz Bourbon
1 oz Orange Juice
1/2 0z Lemon
1/4 oz Sweet Wood Infusion
1/4 oz Simple
1/4 oz Egg White
Mint Garnish
Shake it Vigorously untill your shaker is cold and strain it into a Martini Glass.
The Rebel

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